Marcos Schnaider
As a dedicated creative director with a multifaceted background in motion graphics, graphic design, and web design, I possess a wealth of experience in managing and inspiring creative teams, crafting compelling multimedia projects, and designing cutting-edge interfaces for augmented reality products and devices. 
I am a natural storyteller and communicator, driven by a passion for creating visually stunning experiences that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and a keen eye for detail, I consistently push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of design, from developing detailed storyboards to directing and editing videos.

Technical Skills:

•  Adobe After Effects (advanced)
•  Adobe Premiere (advanced)
•  Davinci Resolve (intermediate) 
•  Adobe Photoshop (advanced)
•  Adobe Illustrator (advanced)
•  Adobe InDesign (advanced)
•  Adobe XD (advanced)
•  Sketch (intermediate)
•  Figma (advanced)
•  Procreate (intermediate)
•  3DSMAX (advanced)
•  Blender (advanced)
•  Maya (basic)

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